High School Lesson Plans
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These lesson plans were developed through Coastal Carolina University's M.A.T. program. They are South Carolina standards-based plans and include task summary, objectives, materials list, procedure list, and more. Most of the plans specify a grade level, but with some modifications they may be appropriate for other grade levels as well. We will be adding to this page, so check back often!
Rembrandt, Value, and Paper Ribbons
This Unit is designed for High School level one. It includes biographical information about artist Rembrandt, explanation of the element of value, and an activity assessing value. The standards, learning objectives, and assessments are included in the presentation. Click on the title above for a link to the information.
Grade 9-12: Students will create a watercolor painting based on gesture drawings. Students will begin by exploring the technique of gesture drawing to quickly reveal the figure in motion through the fluidity of line. Students will view a video of turf dancers that pauses at various intervals to spotlight five different poses of the performers. They will draw five gesture drawings based on these poses, juxtaposing them in an informal composition. Note: This lesson used a video of turf dancers found online, but any video showing a full figure moving or dancing can be used. The teacher could recreate the lesson simply by pausing any video at five different points for 30 seconds.
Grades 9-12: Students will explore the concept of “identity” by creating personalized hats which reveal aspects of their own identity. Students will analyze various types of hats and discuss what they communicate about the person wearing it. Students will create hats to display internal and external identity by decorating them in a way that represents.
Students will learn about the art historical context of graffiti and street art, and then create their own graffiti style piece. The lesson includes a brief overview of the development of graffiti and street art, and mention of the major artists of the movement. The production activity allows students to design their own graffiti style "tag". The activity introduces them to the general style of modern graffiti, while allowing them to experiment with space, line, and color. Click the above title for a link to a blog that has the general lesson plan, with SC state standards and Lesson Objectives. Also, there is the presentation for the lesson and production activity.

Students will learn about positive and negative space by studying the contemporary street artist, Banksy, and his stencil technique.They will also learn about how art can be used as a means of social protest. This lesson includes an explanation of positive and negative space, brief biographical information on Banksy, and a production activity. During the activity students will design their own stencil, featuring an issue important to them.The stencils will be cut out of poster board and taken outside to spray graffiti all over the school! Don't worry, the spray paint is actually crushed chalk mixed with water. The link in the title will lead to the lesson outline, presentation, and instructions.
Grade 9: The purpose of this project is to introduce color values by blending one color of paint with black and white to give a variety of value changes. This color relationship or color scheme is known as monochromatic. In Picasso's Blue and Rose Periods he used this color relationship to portray his mood and emotions at the time of his paintings.
Unity Collage Lesson Plan:
Students will create a collage that depicts the design principle unity through dominance with shape, color, repetition, and/or surface quality. Student will be gathering imagery from magazines depicting some aspect of popular culture. This lesson connects to mathematics through the use of measurement, spatial proportions, and repetition. Check out the PowerPoint here.A World Full of Texture Lesson Plan:
Students will create a textural sculpture that captures light and shadow using natural materials. While this lesson focuses on texture, the students will utilize their understanding of form, content, and space to develop their sculpture.
Students will be exploring the natural world to gather materials for their sculptures, and will be required to know and discuss the items used. Check out the PowerPoint presentation for some great images!
Introduction to Street Art:
Street Art: Exploring Line with Keith Haring:
Students will learn about the element of line, the life and work of Keith Haring, and then imitate his style in a group production activity. The lesson includes an explanation of line in art, brief biological information on Haring, and instructions for a production activity. During the activity, students will work together to trace their bodies, and then create a Haring style "mural" that will be displayed for all in the school to enjoy! The title is a link to the lesson plan outline, as well as the presentation with production activity instructions.
Street Art: Exploring Space With Banksy

Students will learn about positive and negative space by studying the contemporary street artist, Banksy, and his stencil technique.They will also learn about how art can be used as a means of social protest. This lesson includes an explanation of positive and negative space, brief biographical information on Banksy, and a production activity. During the activity students will design their own stencil, featuring an issue important to them.The stencils will be cut out of poster board and taken outside to spray graffiti all over the school! Don't worry, the spray paint is actually crushed chalk mixed with water. The link in the title will lead to the lesson outline, presentation, and instructions.