Western culture tends to emphasize the positive aspect of design, with less emphasis on the negative (background) space. The Eastern culture from which NOTAN arose, seeks a more balanced view of the world, and of design as it relates to the world. The classic yin/yang symbol that we all know is a reflection of this desire for balance.
This lesson is geared towards Grade 8, but can be adapted to other levels. Students will create a piece of art that shows the interaction between dark and light, positive and negative shapes, and asymetrical and symmetrical balance. Click here for the full lesson plan and check out the accompanying PowerPoint presentation too!
Lesson Objectives:
1. To learn about Notan.
2. To learn about positive and negative space.
3. To use a simple square and all the negative cuttings to create a collage, which will inspire a mask.
4. To understand about symmetry and asymmetry, and the Principle of Design, Balance.
5. To understand the Elements of Art: Space and Shape (Positive and Negative).
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